Olivia Jamandre

Olivia Jamandre

Olivia Jamandre

Location: Lawrence
Zip: 66046
Phone: 210-244-3952
Published email: oliviajamandre@gmail.com

1301 West 24th Street Apt M23
Lawrence, KS 66046
Phone: 210-244-3952

Olivia is is currently a doctoral student in piano performance at the University of Kansas where she studies with Dr. Steven Spooner. She also has degrees in performance from Northwestern University and the University of Texas at San Antonio. Her past piano teachers include Alan Chow, Kassandra Keeling and Catherine Lysinger.

Olivia has performed in master classes with renowned clinicians William Westney, Robin McCabe and Ursula Oppens. She won second prize in the state collegiate competition of Texas Music Teachers Association and first prize in the Etude Music Scholarship competition.

In the piano teaching field since 2000, Olivia has had a wide range of teaching experience with students ranging from beginning through advanced levels and with children as well as adults. She has taught in Houston and San Antonio, Texas, and Evanston, Illinois.